
Mixed Media

Mixed media art is an art form that uses a number of different art mediums in a single artwork. For example, a mixed media artist may use oil colors, pastels, pencils, and gouache colors in a single painting, and may even use non-traditional objects such as fabric, wood chips, or metal. The materials used in mixed media artwork are so broad that there are no specific rules or limitations for its creation. Mixed media artwork is not only visually appealing, but often displays strong tactile and three-dimensional effects.

Mix Media


Video with text

Use video with text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.

The purpose of this art form is to create new visual experiences and artistic expressions by bringing together multiple mediums in the same work. Each medium has its own unique characteristics and charms, and mixed media art combines these elements to present the artist's creativity and visual style in a new way. This form of art is widely loved by artists and audiences because it breaks many of the traditional rules of art and offers unlimited creative possibilities.